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Put the Finishing Touch On Your Garage Floor

Overhauled Garages LLC is a complete garage makeover company that does everything from custom storage options to garage floor finishes in the Richmond and Columbia County areas of Georgia. If you have an unfinished concrete slab or floor riddled with fluid stains, spilled paint, or cracks, we’ll give it a transformation that will be unrecognizable while adding value to your property. We offer two industrial-grade garage flooring options that deliver benefits, including acting as a protective shield and making cleaning up much easier when working in the garage. Read on to learn more about your choices, and give us a call to schedule a free estimate.

epoxy garage flooring

Epoxy Garage Flooring

Epoxy is a synthetic resin that goes directly over concrete floors. Not only does it provide a nice, clean finish, but it seals the cement floor underneath for added protection. It’s one of the easiest flooring options to clean and maintain. Installation includes a thick layer of epoxy and polyurethane products for a strong base that forms a tight bond with the cement. We apply a clear topcoat that resists chemicals and includes a UV inhibitor for a long-lasting finish. There are a variety of colors to choose from to match your garage. Homeowners enjoy a nice shine and quick cleanup of any spills that happen.

blue racedeck garage flooring

Racedeck Garage Flooring

Racedeck flooring is a patented modular system that requires very little surface prep to install in your garage for a fast and easy process and incredible results. The product is made in the USA and doesn’t require any tools or harsh chemicals to apply. Many garage owners prefer this advanced tile floor system because it’s manufactured to withstand the most demanding environments. We can turn your dirty, cracked garage floor into a jaw-dropping showroom. Tiles are available in various styles and colors and will retain their slick look. Grease spills are a snap, and these ultra-durable tiles can handle rolling loads up to 80,000 pounds.

Tough Garage Floors for Tough Conditions

Give your garage floor the protective treatment it deserves with flooring options from Overhauled Garages LLC. Once you see how easy these are to keep clean and the durability they provide, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Contact our team to schedule your free estimate for garage flooring installation today.

Need a Garage Overhaul? Give Us a Call.