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Your Dream Garage in Four Easy Steps

Overhauled Garages LLC works with homeowners throughout the Augusta, GA area to provide valuable garage storage solutions to declutter and organize these spaces. The garage can turn into a catch-all for items that don’t require everyday use. That doesn’t mean it should be a disorganized mess. On the contrary, keeping order ensures you can find and access tools or equipment you need without wasting your precious time. Interested in learning what we can do for you? Our process is quick and straightforward.

woman wearing headset

1. Schedule Your Free Consultation

It’s easy to get the ball rolling. Either call us directly or fill out the form on our website, and one of our team members will contact you. We gather information about your goals and ideas for your garage overhaul on the scheduling call and discuss the different options. We’ll make an appointment convenient with your schedule when one of our design professionals will come to your property for measurements and create a 3D rendering.

design consultation

2. Free On-Site Consultation

Our experienced garage design consultants will inspect the setup and condition of the structure. We will discuss the design aspects step by step to ensure our proposal meets your expectations and includes all the critical aspects of your storage needs and budget!

3D Render of garage

3. Review 3D Design Mockup

After a full consultation, we will provide you with a 3D design rendering to see just how our storage solution products will look once installed in your garage. We want you to be delighted with the plans before we start any work. Need to make some changes or adjustments? This is the time we can discuss those.

epoxy garage floor

4. Installation of Your New Garage

Once the designs and estimate are agreed upon, we will schedule a day to complete the installation. The best part? This process will cause minimal disruption to your day-to-day routine. Cabinets and slatwall products can typically be installed and completed in just one day. If we’re installing epoxy or Snaplock flooring, that might take one to two days to complete.

Let’s Get Started On Your New Garage

With a free, no-obligation estimate from Overhauled Garages LLC, you have nothing to lose. We look forward to providing you with a detailed estimate for your garage renovation project that will significantly improve your storage space without the expense of a garage addition. We will work with the area you have to deliver a stylish, functional space that will add value to your home.

Need a Garage Overhaul? Give Us a Call.